
Basic policy for sourcing materials

In order to value legal compliance and assume the company's social responsibilities in and outside of the country, Asaka Riken Co., Ltd. commit to respecting human rights and abiding by the relevant laws and regulations as well as international rules.

In the procurement of raw materials, in accordance with " OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals from Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Areas", we establish the following guidelines and implement the responsible procurement activities of raw materials. We commit not to be complicit in human rights violations, conflicts, etc in Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Areas.

  • We will not tolerate the following human rights abuses and we will never profit from, contribute to, assist with or facilitate these abuses.

    • any forms of torture, cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment

    • any forms of forced labour

    • the worst forms of child labour

    • other gross human rights violations and abuses such as widespread sexual violence

    • war crimes or other serious violations of international humanitarian law, crimes against humanity or genocide.

  • We will not tolerate direct or indirect support for non-government armed groups.

  • We agree to eliminate direct or indirect support for public or private security forces that are conducting illegal activities.

  • We will not offer, promise, give, or demand any bribes. And we also will not accept any bribe offers related to mineral procurement.

  • We will support efforts that contribute to the effective elimination of money laundering.

  • We will not accept transactions for which taxes, fees and royalties related to the mining and trading of minerals from conflict-affected and high-risk areas have not been reliably paid.

  • We will not accept any transactions that spoof or conceal the origin of minerals.

Regarding the transportation of raw materials classified as International Dangerous Goods Class 7, we shall comply with related laws and regulations.

Detail of Management System

  • We appoint the responsible persons to manage the risks in the supply chain, construct a due diligence management system, and we will implement responsible raw material procurement management.

  • Our suppliers are made aware of this conflict minerals policy and expected to cooperate.

  • We will immediately suspend transactions with suppliers if we conduct a risk assessment of raw materials containing conflict minerals or their suppliers and find that they are not responsible for human rights violations in conflict or high-risk areas, links with non-governmental armed groups or illegal organizations, bribery, money laundering, or the payment of formal fees, taxes, etc.

  • In order to manage risks related to transactions, we will build cooperative relationships with related organizations, suppliers and customers as necessary.

  • We will regularly carry out the education and the training on the system for all persons in charge of the due diligence management system.

  • Documents and records pertaining to the due diligence management system will be retained for a certain period.

June 2nd, 2014
(Revision) October, 31th, 2022
Asaka Riken Co., Ltd.
Yamada Kohta, Representative Director and CEO

Due Diligence Public Report (October 1, 2024)

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